In order to discover problems, adjust the way of thinking without delay and boost the teaching efficiency in graduating classes in a limited time frame, from 30th November to 2nd December, during the morning reading sessions, at the conference room on the second floor of the administrative building, three school leaders from Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department in the east campus as well as all subject teachers from Grade 9 convened the performance analysis meeting in regard to the mid-term examination in the first semester in class level.
The meeting was chaired by Junior High Deputy Director Wang Shengxiang. First of all, head teachers respectively conducted objective and specific analysis in terms of the existing problems in each class in addition to the subsequent direction of efforts.
Second of all, classroom teachers proceeded comprehensive and profound analysis with regard to the class conditions and the reasons behind students’ lost scores. In the meantime, they presented introduction in the teaching methods and teaching strategies in the next phase.
Third of all, Junior High Vice Director Hu Sen put forward his own viewpoints concerning classroom construction.
Last but not the least, Principal Assistant& Junior High Director Lu Dan summarized the meeting and stressed that all teachers in the graduating classes were supposed to earnestly& objectively analyze the mid-term examination, take a correct attitude towards work, establish the teaching work in the present, pay close attention to the Entrance Examination For Secondary School, extend the excellence rate as well as cooperate wholeheartedly.
In conclusion, by means of this performance analysis meeting, on the one hand, head teachers and subject teachers understood their inadequacies in the teaching process more clearly. On the other hand, they guaranteed that in the subsequent working phase, they would further adopt clear thinking and set well-defined goals to prepare for the Senior High School Entrance Examination with favorable teaching state.